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Bill Evaul's Expressions From Life - Provincetown Independent
October 01, 2020
The Cape Cod Museum of Art puts on a retrospective
“That’s the life force we get from being present in the moment, experiencing what is happening around us,” says Bill Evaul in his North Truro home, leaning forward in an elegant, antique armchair, his eyes alive with excitement. “The job of the artist is to let that energy flow through them without messing it up. If I can capture this in some way, that’s a big success.”
‘Face to Face’ offers welcome ‘close encounters’
September 02, 2020
Barnstable Patriot
Posted Aug 31, 2020 at 4:17 PMUpdated Sep 2, 2020 at 2:24 PM
By Barbara Clark
If there’s one thing most of us have become aware of during the restrictions of the coronavirus health crisis, it’s the importance of the human face. As expressions have become obscured behind face coverings, we’ve come to realize how much we miss seeing the various “looks” that run the gamut of human emotions, grins and grimaces.
That’s one reason why “Face to Face,” an exhibit at the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis, which reopened to the public in July, is so welcome now that the State’s coronavirus phased plan has allowed doors to open once again. Visitors to the exhibit, on the museum’s ground floor, can view a collection of vibrant and diverse portraits, with many of the subjects seeming to gaze right back. The more than 25 artworks, including paintings and sculpture, are a welcome reminder of the centrality of faces in our human interactions and endeavors.
Art contests by playhouse, museum, community compact
March 01, 2020
Posted Mar 1, 2020 at 7:04 AM
Updated Mar 1, 2020 at 7:04 AM
Artists of all types: Local cultural organizations are looking for your visions.
About summer theater, or democracy, or both.
Two requests for submissions went out over the past week, with March deadlines for spring projects. Here are chances to win audiences for artwork:
The Cape Cod Museum of Art and the Cape Playhouse — two parts of the 22-acre Cape Cod Center for the Arts campus in Dennis — are partnering for an international visual-artist call-out to create the main image for the theater’s summer programs. All 35,000-plus of them.
The winner of the Cape Playhouse Cover Art Competition 2020 will have the work featured on the front of booklets for the 94th season of what is known as the longest-running professional summer theater in the country. There will also be other “visibility opportunities” after the work is unveiled at a May 1 VIP event at the art museum during Massachusetts Art Week.
The deadline for the first round is March 16. Artists may submit a sample portfolio of up to three examples for consideration, artwork that officials said “should demonstrate proficiency in interpreting an uplifting narrative on the competition’s chosen theme of ‘summer play.’” Details are at or
A panel of judges will, by March 18, select five semi-finalists, who will then create their vision for the playhouse program for submission by April 24. Besides visibility, the chosen artist will win a $500 cash award, a subscription to the playhouse’s six-show season, and two VIP tickets to the theater’s annual gala auction.
Questions on the competition: Michael A. Giaquinto, exhibitions curator, at 508-385-4477 ext. 11 or Information on venues:,
The Provincetown Community Compact invites artists of all genres -— including visual art, sculpture, video, music, dance, writing and performance of various types — to re-imagine and recreate a response to the Mayflower Compact.
The questions being considered relate to “the first democratic document in the ‘new’ world of 1620,” according to curator Jay Critchley: What does democracy mean in 2020? How does sustainability of land and environment reflect sustainability of our democracy, and vice versa?
Artwork chosen will be part of an exhibit “Democracy of the Land 2020: The Mayflower Compact Untethered” that will run May 8-31 at the Hudson D. Walker Gallery at the Fine Arts Work Center, 24 Pearl St., Provincetown.
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims in Provincetown Harbor, where they wrote the Mayflower Compact. It was signed, he notes, by 41 of 102 passengers “excluding women and those designated ‘sinners’ by the signers” and “laid the groundwork for the radical takeover of the indigenous land and peoples.” Critchley, founder of the Provincetown Community Compact, wants to “update and expand the 1620 document by engaging the entire community regardless of race, religion, class or sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Deadline for proposals is March 27, and applicants must include up to five images and/or five minutes of video, and a project budget. Limited funding and honorariums are available. To apply: Winners will be notified by April 10.
Follow Kathi Scrizzi Driscoll on Twitter: @KathiSDCCT.
Cape Museum Strives To Highlight Its Extensive Permanent Collection
February 14, 2020
The Cape Cod Museum of Art’s latest show, “Light of Day: Rarely Seen Works From The Permanent Collection,” features 56 works from the museum’s permanent collection.
“We could do about 10 of these shows,” said Michael Giaquinto, the museum’s exhibitions curator, who chose the works for the show and decided on their arrangement in the gallery. The museum’s collection includes an impressive 2,500 works either collected or gifted to the museum over the past 39 years.
November 12, 2019
Well-known Dennis potter/sculptor Harry Holl created Tree of Life in the 1960s. It hung for more than 30 years on a house on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, and the 47 individual tiles that make up the sculpture then spent another 20 years in storage. The sculpture has been restored and given to the Cape Cod Museum of Art, which was co-founded by Holl.
September 10, 2019
Cape Cod Chronicle - Sept 11, 2019 by: Susanna Graham-Pye
EAST HARWICH – While many middle schoolers across the Cape tackled their traditional back to school routines, eighth graders at the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School boarded buses and vans and hit the road for a first day field trip.
This excursion marks the 25 time educators at the school have launched students’ final year at CCLCS with a trip into the community with visits to the Cape Cinema and the Cape Cod Museum of Art.

August 30, 2018
From shimmering abstracts of Cape waters to a study of figures though the eyes of varying artists, three new exhibits at the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis provide life, color and food for the soul.

May 31, 2018
CCMoA spotlights artists who originally came to the Cape on fellowships to the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and decided to make the Cape their creative home.
Watch this presentation at the CCMoA on October 5, 2017
This year marks the 65th anniversary of the M/V Pendleton rescue that was made by a small U.S. Coast Guard boat off Chatham.
We commemorate this remarkable rescue with an exclusive Artist & Author Presentation featuring celebrated Muralist Tony Falcone, noted Cape Cod Author Theresa Mitchell Barbo, and Patricia Webber Hamilton, daughter of Bernard Webber, the Massachusetts Coast Guardsman who led the celebrated rescue.