By becoming a recurring monthly donor for the Cape Cod Museum of Art, you’ll truly be a “champion” for the Museum by helping us to create a viable and engaging “Museum of the Future”. The benefits to you, as a sustaining giver to the Museum, are many, such as…
It simplifies the process of financially supporting the Museum: You only have to complete your donation form once, and we’ll take care of it from there!
You’ll receive Invitations to VIP special events during the Museum year.
You’ll get discounts at our Museum Store.
You’ll receive special recognition (if you opt to) on publications from the Museum.
How it works:
It's simple! Complete the form below; decide on the amount that you wish to give to the Museum on a recurring monthly basis; select a payment choice; and push “complete”…You’re all done! Don’t worry
if your circumstances change later in the year: you can opt out of the Champions program at any time. Your contributions will be 100% deductible under IRS rules. We will send you an annual statement of your annual contributions each year for tax filing purposes.