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Beyond the Tattoo – Mark Corliss June 21 – August 5, 2018

Sponsored by

First Citizens' Federal Credit Union

Reception Sponsored by

Cape Cod Healthcare

Reception June 21, 5:30 – 7 pm preceded by Gallery Talk with Corliss and models at 4:30 pm

Mark Corliss creates body tattoos based on Japanese art. He also collaborates with doctors and

creates lifelike breast nipples to aid in the recovery of mastectomy patients.

Once considered the mark of sailors, bikers and rebels, tattoos are now found on the bodies of all ages in all walks of life. The sharing of practices and styles from Japan to Europe and the Americas has led to an explosion of artistic expression that has been recognized in major museums.

Beyond the Tattoo presents the work of Hyannis tattoo artist Mark Corliss that reflects his love of the traditional Japanese design. Beyond the decorative tattoo, Corliss has also used his artistic skills at shading, coloring and adding dimension with ink beneath the skin to create life-like nipples for women who have had mastectomies.

For over 20 years, Corliss, seeped in the traditional tattoo art of the Japanese culture, has created thousands of large body tattoos from his own imagination or built on images his clients have requested. What sets him apart from his peers is that he has also worked with over 400 women who have had mastectomies. He does this for no charge, because he says “When you see how it helps women and see that art can be used to help heal, it’s a good thing.”

In a recent Cape Cod Health Care News article, Dr. Michael Loffredo, a Hyannis plastic surgeon with whom Corliss has worked said, "Mark plays a big role in the reconstruction process It’s the finishing step on a long journey that builds toward restoring the breast to be as natural as possible.”

One client expressed her gratitude saying, “The tattooed nipples allowed closure and after my children they were the best gift.”

The number of referrals from doctors and requests from women keeps growing and Corliss has begun to form a non-profit project to expand the service to more women and to train other tattoo artists around the country. He chose the name Project Paper Crane because it is a traditional symbol of hope and healing. It was believed that if one folded 1,000 origami cranes, one’s wish would come true.

This exhibit opens us to the intersection of art and health and the future ways art may be used to contribute to a healthy life.

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