Changing Tide
December 10 - March 14, 2021

Changing Tide is as predictable as the swing of a pendulum. It can represent a cleansing exchange of life-giving seawater, or fuel a destructive surge onto land. The theme is a starting point that encompasses both represen
tational and more conceptual artwork. Cycles can be found everywhere, and Changing Tide encourages CCMoA Artist Members to consider the many possible ways the theme can be expressed through their art in this time of extreme environmental, social and political fluctuation.
In November, members of the Cape Cod Museum of Art were invited to submit original artwork to our Annual Juried Members Exhibition. 114 artists from across the region submitted 225 works, and only 73 of those works were selected by juror Amanda Wastrom, Assistant Curator at Heritage Museums & Gardens, East Sandwich, Massachusetts.
Juror's Choice Awards:
Mark Preu Farming The Bay
Category: Photography
Alice Galick Sediment and Fossils; Low Tide
Category: Printmaking
Richard Pawlak A Woman and a Man
Category: Painting
Claudia Flynn Residium
Category: Three Dimensional
VIDEO of Virtual Reception Below