FACE to FACE: Close Encounters with the Permanent Collection • August 20 - November 2, 2020

August 20 - November 2, 2020
We may not all be mind readers, but we are face readers. Science has shown that our brains have more space devoted to reading faces than to any other object. Which is why faces speak to us in such a deeply personal way. You are invited to exercise your face-reading skills at FACE to FACE!
This interactive exhibition brings viewers face to face with artworks of every description: traditional portraits, abstract images, paintings, prints, mixed media and sculpture. Each face gazes out, drawing the viewer into a moment of silent communication. Some faces are easy to read, others challenge the imagination. One highly personal portrait uses transformative visual technology to project the viewer into a field of virtual faces.
According to Director of Art, Benton Jones, “This exhibition is all about celebrating our common humanity, which makes it especially appropriate that it is curated by our docents, a team of trained educators and guides who serve as the “face” of our museum.”