From the CCMoA Permanent Collection with wall text researched and written by the CCMoA Docents
January 18 - April 14, 2024

Exhibiting and stewarding the Cape Cod Museum of Art’s outstanding Permanent Collection of over 2000 artworks is integral to our mission. We are committed to the cultural enrichment of our community today and tomorrow, telling the story of Cape Cod through the lens of visual art.
The Familial exhibition is the result of ongoing research. Our recently released online catalog of the permanent collection allows for internal and world-wide accessibility to detailed information of artworks in the collection with corresponding images. The completion of this major initiative removes boundaries of access due to geographic, social, or economic circumstances. I would like to thank Berta Walker, curator of the Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown, MA, for helping us portray a more complete picture in Familial by offering her support through important gifts of art that help to paint a more complete picture of these creative families.
- Benton Jones, Director of Art
Download a pdf of the exhibition program HERE

Read about Familial in the Provincetown Independent
Read about Familial in the Enterprise Newspapers
Watch a video of Laura Shabott's February 17th lecture:
"A Closer Look at the Art & FAMILIAL Relationships of Regional Artists."