Song and Dance: Expressions From Life / Works by Bill Evaul. September 17 - November 29, 2020
Artist Bill Evaul presents a wide spectrum of paintings, prints and drawings spanning 40 years in this exhibition. Best known for his “Provincetown Prints” or white-line color woodcuts, Evaul says, “Every woodcut image starts it life as a painting or drawing. The woodcuts are dramatic in themselves but the direct, raw energy originates frArtist Bill Evaul presents a wide spectrum of paintings, prints and drawings spanning 40 years in this exhibition. Best known for his “Provincetown Prints” or white-line color woodcuts, Evaul says, “Every woodcut image starts it life as a painting or drawing. The woodcuts are dramatic in themselves but the direct, raw energy originates from the first artistic impulse in those paintings and drawings.”
Evaul is constantly sketching from life. At a musical performance, he will fill several pages of his sketchbook while observing musicians and dancers in motion. From these pages a more developed painting or drawing evolves and it is from these images that Evaul creates his woodcut prints. While Evaul focuses on musicians at work, dancers interpreting the music also intrigue him. Elements of movement and energetic vibration can be translated to other subjects as well, especially in his “Dancing Houses” series where the buildings seem to move to an unheard rhythm and melody.
Bill is the recipient of the 2020 CCMoA Muse Artist Award for his contributions to the Cape Cod arts community as an artist, educator, historian and the first artistic impulse in those paintings and drawings.”

Evaul is constantly sketching from life. At a musical performance, he will fill several pages of his sketchbook while observing musicians and dancers in motion. From these pages a more developed painting or drawing evolves and it is from these images that Evaul creates his woodcut prints. While Evaul focuses on musicians at work, dancers interpreting the music also intrigue him. Elements of movement and energetic vibration can be translated to other subjects as well, especially in his “Dancing Houses” series where the buildings seem to move to an unheard rhythm and melody.
Bill is the recipient of the 2020 CCMoA Muse Artist Award for his contributions to the Cape Cod arts community as an artist, educator, historian and curator.