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TERRA FORM: A Cape Cod Potters Juried Exhibition

December 15, 2021 - March 13, 2022

Cape Cod Potters Celebrates

50 Years!

TERRA FORM: A Cape Cod Potters Juried Exhibition reveals the diversity of exceptional ceramic objects, both functional and non-functional, created by members of the Cape Cod Potters.

55 objects were selected for the exhibition by James Lawton, former professor of Ceramics and Chair of the Artisanry Department at UMass Dartmouth.

The Cape Cod Museum of Art invited the Cape Cod Potters to exhibit at the Museum in celebration of the group's 50th anniversary, which coincides with CCMoA's 40th. Remarkably, both non-profit organizations owe their existence in part to the same man – sculptor, potter and visionary, Harry Holl (1922-2014).

The Cape Cod Potters (or the Cape Cod Cooperative as it was initially named) was formed to promote the professional growth of potters and cooperation between craftspeople on Cape Cod.

It is fitting that Cape Cod Museum of Art and the Cape Cod Potters celebrate their anniversaries together with this exhibition.

Take a virtual video tour of TERRA FORM

with Juror, James Lawton

Cape Cod Potters, Inc. is a non-profit organization of artists with a common aim: to better understand the medium of clay by the sharing of knowledge. Founded in 1972, Cape Cod Potters operates as an educational, charitable organization through the dissemination of knowledge and experience. They seek to maintain high standards and professional growth within the membership and to generally stimulate the education in appreciation of the making of pottery and allied arts. The organization holds lectures and workshops consisting of diverse topics relevant to various aspects of ceramic production. Throughout the year, potters individually and collectively hold exhibits, demonstrations and artistic activities for the general public, camps and schools.

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